What are Some Healthy Oral Health Habits?

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As you may already know, there are many steps you should take if you’d like to keep your teeth healthy. For instance, you might have heard that you should brush and floss your pearly whites every day, but did you know that there are several other factors you should consider?

For instance, while there are many things that might be good for your teeth, it’s important that you think about your unique circumstances before deciding on an oral hygiene plan. For example, different medications might actually reduce the amount of saliva you have in your mouth. Similarly, individuals who suffer from asthma typically breathe through their mouth when they’re asleep, which can lead to dry mouth. Sadly, if you are dealing with dry mouth, you might be more vulnerable to cavities. To deal with these types of issues, we suggest scheduling an appointment with our dentist before deciding on how you can keep your pearly whites clean.

Similarly, there are a number of things you should avoid doing. For instance, using tobacco products and eating too many sugary and starchy foods could damage your teeth. Smoking also has a negative impact on your pearly whites. If you smoke, you may have stained teeth and frequent bad breath.

Lastly, please assess your pearly whites from home. While we recommend visiting our team at least twice a year, you’ll have more chances to notice changes in your smile at home. For example, you might see swollen gums, a chipped or discolored tooth, or even an unusual sore in your mouth. If you spot any of these problems, we recommend contacting our team as soon as you can.

If you would like to learn more about how to take care of your teeth in Morton Grove, Illinois, please feel free to give Dolnick and Associates a call at 847-299-3365. Dr. Ira J. Dolnick and our team will gladly address any concerns you may have. We’re eager to receive your call.