Do you know much about restorative dentistry? If not, now is the time to learn! The more you know about restorative dentistry, the better. Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry that specializes in diagnosing and treating dental issues as well as rehabilitating your smile to give you the healthy and functional teeth and gums you need. To tell you a little more about restorative dentistry, our dentist, Dr. Ira J. Dolnick, is happy to share some facts with you. Those facts are:
-There are many different treatments available that can help you, your smile and your oral health. There are treatments like dental fillings that can repair decayed teeth, dental crowns that can repair severely damaged teeth, dental bridges and dentures that can replace missing teeth and more.
-To help you have the best and most successful dental appointment, our dental team will be happy to use a local anesthetic and dental sedative while you’re in the dental chair. The anesthetic will numb your mouth to prevent any painful sensations during your appointment and the sedative will help you stay relaxed and calm.
-Each treatment your dentist offers can be customized to your smile. In fact, dental fillings are shaped to fit your specific teeth and dental crowns, dentures and dental bridges are made in a dental lab just for you. No matter the treatment you receive, it will be catered to your smile and needs.
Call Dolnick and Associates today at 847-299-3365 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more. Our dental team will be more than happy to tell you all about restorative dentistry in Morton Grove, Illinois, so please don’t be afraid to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!