Is Sleep Apnea Taking Over Your Life?

More than 18 million Americans deal with sleep apnea - a condition that causes the back of the throat to collapse while they are sleeping, which blocks the airway, automatically reducing the amount of oxygen delivered to all of their organs. People with sleep apnea often snore loudly and stop breathing suddenly for short periods of time. When the blood-oxygen... read more »

10 Things You Never Knew About Gum Chewing and Dental Health

Chewing gum helps prevent cavities. A sweetener in sugar-free gum can stop bacteria from sticking to teeth. Saliva contains minerals that help to rebuild tooth enamel. Here are a few things that you may not have known about the health benefits of chewing sugar-free gum. Chewing sugar-free gum benefits your dental health by stimulating saliva flow. The saliva that gum... read more »